How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout the media coursework we have come across many new technologies that we have had to use to produce our work. The first and probably the most unfamiliar technology is this website it is where we have had to record all work we have done by posting it onto our own personal blog. To begin with this site was very complicated and it was rather difficult to get to grips with having to post work as it was being done. As I have never come across blogs before I had no clue how it works or how to use it and for the first couple of weeks using it was very confusing but eventually I managed to understand it fully without and problems.It is quite simple really its just a matter of typing information needed and clicking the 'post' button.
Now that all work has to be done online it is much simpler as everything is in one place, you do not need to move from place to place to find work and it cant be lost. Another good reason for always having to work on the internet constantly is that all research can easily be performed at the the same time in a different tab on the internet.
The internet is an extremely useful source for all the work and research. There are many sites which I used for research and help to complete the coursework some include:
Things that I used for research I often posted on my blog such as videos and pictures this is done using a separate tab on the blog when writing a post these pictures show this. ![](
To upload a video to a video to my blog you must edit the html and copy and paste a embed code from a video into it and it will then be shown on the blog.
The second most unfamiliar technology is Final Cut Express I have never come across this before either, however I knew that I would become familiar with this in the A2 course so I knew about the program and what it does.
No-one in our group had ever used Final Cut before so we were all complete beginners because of this we all had a go at trying to edit some raw footage to try to work out and get to grips with the program. I found it very easy to understand how to work the program to edit some footage in order and to the song I also found this quite enjoyable. Jake also seemed to get some good work done.
For the rest of the coursework I did the majority of the editing and Ifeel that this is one technology that i have learnt most from and about.
One thing that I didn't quite understand to begin with was the few different tracks that the footage could sit in.
However, I managed to work out how and why they are used, it makes face paced editing much easier without fiddly movements.I also added some effects to the video such as some cross dissolves in the slower part of the song at the end and I also added some effects to the whole video to make it look more professional. I created the effect by adjusting the saturation and contrast and some other toggles.
This shows the exact adjustments.
Some other technologies which I used during the course work was a handheld video camera I had used one for a small amount of time before to create a very short film so i knew the basics and how to use one but I definitely had more to learn. During the filming of our video for this work I did a fair amount of filming and I now feel I have had a lot of experience using a camera. I would now be confident enough to film alone to create something of my own.
Photoshop is a program which often is used in media studies I was very familiar with this technology and any extra work like our ancillary task is just extra practice for not just the subject but also my own personal gain this the same with all the other technologies.
To create our digipak and advert photoshop was very useful both pieces were entirely created on it. Using many different effects which we have learnt throughout doing this subject. example of some effects used are:
- drop shadows
- inner glow + outer glow
- saturation
- clone stamp
- gradient
As well as using these simple effects we also adjusted these very accurately too to give a very good final product.
Overall I believe that my skills and knowledge about all these things, using the blog, final cut, using cameras and photoshop has hugely increased and i am much better at the things I already knew and i am now good at programs i did not know. I also feel generally more comfortable using computers.